Friday, March 30, 2007

Chris & Stepanie in China ( 10) - Guangzhou

Hi All,

Chris here once again, sending our final email from Guangzhou; after today, we lose access to Samson's laptop & probably won't have access to the Internet until we arrive home. Both Stephanie & Sarah are feeling better than they were yesterday & we celebrated by taking a walk to the Toy Market (photo #1), where I found a sweet bargain on a Japanese robot for my collection.

Toy Market, where I found a sweet bargain on a Japanese robot for my collection.

On our way there, we stopped for lunch at Young World

a children's park with rides & an underground mall with a McDonalds

After our return & a nap for the ladies, we met up for dinner with Samson & the Bohans, another Gladney family that just arrived in Guangzhou after adopting their baby in Nanchang.

Afterwards, we all went back to Shamian Island, where Sarah posed unhappily on the famous red couch at the White Swan.

Finally, a Starbuck's nightcap for Mommy- adopting parents are very happy there is now a Starbuck's on the island.

Thanks for sharing our second China adoption journey with us- see you back in the States! --

Stephanie & Chris

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