Sunday, December 23, 2012

China Winter Tour - December 22

From December 23 - January 1, while on the China Winter Tour sponsored by CCCWA, NCFA and Gladney, tour attendees will be sending us blog posts about their adventures. Please check in frequently for their entries and photos.

Robin Reif - December 22, 2012

"Leaving tomorrow. Both of us excited and wondering what awaits us on the other side of the world. For Sophie, it’s about seeing the land that’s lived so long in her imagination and in memories she feels more than actually recalls. For me, it’s the anticipated pleasure of seeing my daughter discover her homeland in all its strangeness, beauty and complexity.

Sophie can’t wait to see how it feels to be among all Chinese people. "Aside from my adopted friends," she says, "I’ve always been surrounded by white people."

As for the rest, Gongzhan told us it will be very cold in Beijing when we’re out climbing the Great Wall so we buy Sophie a hat. (see photo) Happy girl."

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