Monday, November 18, 2013


30 Boys in 30 Days Campaign
Each week Gladney Staff gets together for our Waiting Child Staffing Meeting.  This is probably our most important meeting of the week.  It is at these meetings that we get to step away from our computers and phones and bring our staff together to give our attention to the Waiting Children.  We know we owe it to these kids to give them the attention they deserve without the distractions of other obligations and To-Do lists.  Each meeting comes to life in its own way - with good news about recent matches, stories from our staff about families who have recently arrived home, and brainstorming to find new ways to advocate for some of the children who have not yet been matched with a family. Since November is Adoption Awareness Month - we really wanted to focus hard on helping some of our children find a family.  As our meeting progressed, we all knew what we wanted to do - put our extra efforts and attentions this month toward the many boys who need a family, thus was born our 30 Boys in 30 Days Campaign.
In a family these boys can do anything -- learn about volcanoes, trains, go camping, do rainbow loom(!), dress up as a power rangers for Halloween, and, of course, get into their fair share of mischief - as all healthy and happy boys (and girls) do from time to time!
During the month of November we will feature a unique child, who happens to be a boy, on our Asia Waiting Child Blog.  Please visit often and send your best wishes and prayers throughout the month to help each little guy find his family.  Many of these boys were seen by our Superkids Team this summer in China -- Stories can be found on the Superkids Blog.
Featured Today, Day 5 - Addison

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