Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Recently in China Adoption News

  • CCCWA has matched families with LIDs through October 19, 2006.
  • CCCWA has reviewed dossiers with LIDs through April 30, 2012.
  • CCCWA has issued referrals for EIGHT families in February! Special congratulations to the two families who waited over 6 years to receive their referrals through the China Standard program!
  • One Gladney family travelled to China to adoption their child in February!
Congratulations to the Hanson family!!
Paige with proud Mom and Dad!

Gladney's Guang Ming Program 光明
Advocating for Children Who Wait
Many children have found their families through Gladney's partnerships with orphanages in China. However, many children still wait for their chance to be adopted - they are ready to know the love and acceptance of a family of their own! Gladney advocates for these children in many ways, one of which is the photolist page on our blog where interested families can see the kids that are currently available for adoption. Email Judy Hayes at for the password, or ask your Gladney Asia caseworker.

Monthly webinars are another great way to learn more about the children that are waiting for families through the Guang Ming program, as well as specific information about the process of adopting through Gladney - register here for the next webinar on March 13th at 1pm EST.

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