Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Philippines Program Announcement

Last summer, Gladney was licensed by the Philippines Intercountry Adoption Board (ICAB) to place children for adoption. We are excited that as 2013 begins, we are able to begin accepting families into this program! We would like to invite parents open to adopting a waiting child through the Philippines' Special Home Finding program to learn more by contacting Judy.Hayes@Gladney.org or on Gladney's website (click here for the Philippine's Program page).
For families interested in adopting from the Philippines, the first step is to complete the Adoption Information Sheet. Families may be considered for matching with a child after being approved through the home study process and submitting an adoption dossier for approval by ICAB.
At this time, Gladney's adoption program with the Philippines is a Waiting Child program. This means that the children available for adoption will be:
--Part of a sibling group; or
--Older (healthy or with a medical need); or
--Under age 7 with a medical need
We look forward to sharing the progress of this program in the months to come in this newsletter!
Additional Resources:
Rainbow Kids is a helpful resource to learn more about adopting waiting children through the Philippines.
The U.S. State Department has a web page with helpful information about the Philippines intercountry adoption process.

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