Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Waiting for Jocelyn Song Ping

While I waited for my referal, I prepared for my trip. I let my supervisor know that I would be going China. Even though I did not know when, I updated her regularly about traveling. I applied for three months of family leave, which I eventually took. I did all of the necessary medical preparation. I tried to learn Chinese but found it very difficult. Nevertheless, I did learn some key phrases. I kept in close touch with Gongzhan who was enormously helpful and supportive as were all of the staff. While waiting to adopt my second child, an older child, I let my first child (who was 20 years old at the time) take over decorating the bedroom for my new daughter. In this way, I tried to make my first child feel a part of what was to come. I prepared everything so when I got the call, I was ready and well prepared to leave. I had to travel during the SARS epidemic and the beginning of the Iraq war. Because of these events, I kept a close look on political and medical matters. I prayed too!

Joan Rodman Smoller

mother of Jocelyn Song Ping,
now 14 years old (She was 11
when I adopted her.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joan, I just adopted an older girl from Nanjing SWI. The director asked me to find you because my daughter knows your daughter. I was hoping they could connect. If you get this message, would you please contact me? Beth Enos enos@lclark.edu. Or 503.282.6842. Hoping to hear from you soon.